WE•TRST stands for a community that lives more than just fashion. Here we share our vision, inspiring stories and events that move us. It's about attitude, solidarity and the shared passion for a conscious lifestyle. Be there and experience how we redefine fashion, community and movement.

Wir gehen neue Wege – Black Friday bei WE•TRST

We are breaking new ground - Black Friday at WETRST

We at WE•TRST are breaking new ground! For Black Friday, we're offering 20% ​​off our entire range. Discover your favorites or try out new styles.
Sandro Breu
NOIR. ist am 26.10. zurück!

NOIR. is back on October 26th!

After the overwhelming feedback from our first event, NOIR. is taking the night to a new level. On October 26, 2024, the newly opened collektiv st.gallen will open its doors directly on the market square for an unforgettable night full of style and house, for WE•TRST.
Sandro Breu
Von der Faser zum Fashion-Statement: So produzieren wir!

From fiber to fashion statement: This is how we produce!

Join us on a journey of discovery and learn how each piece in our collection is brought to life in Portugal with care and dedication. This blog post gives you a rare glimpse into the world behind the seams.
Sandro Breu
WE•TRST im Spotlight: Unser Feature in der IFJ-Gründungsstory!

WE•TRST in the spotlight: Our feature in the IFJ founding story!

Big news! We are featured in the cover story of the IFJ (Institute for Young Companies). Dive into our story of courage, fashion and sustainability in the latest blog post.
Sandro Breu
Selbstgemacht: WE•TRST

Homemade: WE•TRST

Discover the magic behind WE•TRST! We open the door to our creative workshop and explain why we create all of our content completely in-house. Why do we take on the challenge of creating exceptional content alongside our regular work? Read more about our unique approach now and become part of the WE•TRST community.
Sandro Breu
Das Bild zeigt drei Teammitglieder von WE•TRST, die zusammenarbeiten und Spass haben. Sie sitzen auf einem Sofa und arbeiten an einem Projekt, wobei sie verschiedene Dokumente und Technologiegeräte verwenden.

Success factor: team

Starting your own business can be a rewarding and challenging experience. It allows you to be your own boss, to create something new and innovative. But it will be difficult alone.
Sandro Breu