WE•TRST stands for a community that lives more than just fashion. Here we share our vision, inspiring stories and events that move us. It's about attitude, solidarity and the shared passion for a conscious lifestyle. Be there and experience how we redefine fashion, community and movement.

Drei schwarze Hoodies von WE•TRST hängen an einem Kleiderständer. Die Hoodies haben ein weisses WE•TRST-Logo auf der Brust.

Clothing repair: save money and protect the environment

In today's fast-paced world, it can be tempting to throw away clothes that have a tear or a missing button and buy new clothes instead. However, this way of thinking is not only costly but also harmful to the environment. The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries in the world, and the constant need for new clothing contributes to this problem. We want to avoid this with our RECOVER program.
Sandro Breu
Das Bild zeigt ein Regal in einem Supermarkt, auf dem verschiedene Arten von Gemüse ausgestellt sind.

5 simple tips for sustainability in everyday life

A sustainable and environmentally conscious lifestyle is important because it can help reduce the negative impact of human activities on the environment. If we do not use resources sustainably, they may eventually become exhausted and it will become more difficult to replace them. Climate change is also a major problem caused by human activities, particularly greenhouse gas emissions.
Sandro Breu