Last Friday we had the incredible opportunity to take part in the Startup Forum St.Gallen , presented by IFJ. This event took place in the dynamic atmosphere of Rhema in the Rhine Valley , where we were not only able to present our startup, but also share our vision of sustainable fashion with interested and like-minded people.
Our experience on stage
Our talk "From Fast Fashion to Trust Fashion" highlighted how WE•TRST combines style, community and responsibility. We discussed our approaches to sustainability and how we want to set a new standard in the fashion industry by acting responsibly.

The excitement was palpable when we were backstage and WE•TRST was called. Although we had prepared intensively, the uncertainty remained: what if something unexpected happened or, even more frightening, a sudden blackout occurred? Those moments just before entering the stage were a true test of our nerves.
The response was overwhelmingly positive, and the interaction with the audience after the presentation was a real highlight. At the aperitif afterwards, we were able to delve deeper into the topics that are close to our hearts. The questions were not only well thought out, but also demonstrated the strong interest and support for the concept of sustainable fashion.

Exciting encounters and instructive conversations
We were particularly impressed by the exchange with other speakers and guests who share similar values and are also working to change their industries. Each conversation brought new perspectives and ideas that we want to incorporate into our future work.
This IFJ Forum was not only a platform for us to present WE•TRST, but also a valuable learning experience that shows us how powerful and necessary change is in the industry. It reinforces our belief that a responsible approach in fashion is possible and important.
We are grateful to have taken part despite our great nervousness and look forward to incorporating the impressions and feedback we have gathered into our next collection and corporate strategy. Together with our community, who is always by our side, we are motivated to continue on our path and create fashion that not only looks good, but also feels good and does good.
Do you want to find out more about us? Then check out the IFJ blog post about us.
Photos: Tim Stroeve von Machart